Unveiling the Future of Innovation – Nanotechnology at the Crossroads of Converging Technologies
AcumenIST Dr Steffi Friedrichs participated in a panel discussion on ‘Challenges and Opportunities in Open Innovation for Materials Modelling’ at a recent conference on ‘Open Innovation for Materials Modelling, Design and Manufacturing’ (OIP-2023), held at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) on the 19. – 20. October 2023.

Nanomaterials and Graphene join Forces to advance the Standardisation & Harmonisation of Advanced Materials
Dr Steffi Friedrichs of AcumenIST SRL participated in the ‘Standardisation Workshop & Panel Discussion’ at Graphene Week 2023, held from the 4th – 8th September 2023 in Gothenburg. She contributed an introduction to the HorizonEurope-funded MACRAMÉ Project (Advanced Characterisation Methodologies to assess and predict the Health and Environmental Risks of

Shared Responsibilities & collaborative R&I Approaches
AcumenIST Dr Steffi Friedrichs presented the MACRAMÉ Project’s research and innovation (R&I) approach at the EuroNanoForm2023 held on the 11. to 13. June 2023 in Lund, Sweden. Under the title ‘Shared Responsibilities & collaborative R&I Approaches – Ensuring safe & sustainable Products & Processes throughout complex Value-Chains‘, the Dr Steffi

Innovation for a Sustainable Agriculture & Food System
On May 23-24, 2023, Re-Imagine Europa organised the Global Conference on Sustainability in Agriculture & Food Systems: Innovation, Indicators and Implementation together with partners ALLEA (European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities), European Food Forum, European Sustainable Agriculture through Genome Editing (EU-SAGE), and the Institute of Agroecology, supported by the conference’s main sponsor Organisation for Economic

NanoFabNet – International Hub for sustainble High-Tech Innovation
On the 6. July 2022, the NanoFabNet expert team held its official European Launch Event of the newly created NanoFabNet Hub – a new network initiative hub for sustainable high-tech innovation, whose structure, business model, detailed strategies and action plans are designed, agreed and carried by its international stakeholders, in

NanoFabNet U.S.-Launch – International Hub for sustainble High-Tech Innovation
Today, the NanoFabNet Hub was launched as a new network supporting suatinability in and through high-tech innovation. Set up as an ‘International Hub for sustainble High-Tech Innovation’, the NanoFabNet Hub provides a one-stop-shop for all matters and concerns pertaining to sustainable high-tech innovation and its successful incorporation into the complex,

New European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing
EURAMET – the European Association of National Metrology Institutes – launched a new European Metrology Network (EMN) on Advanced Manufacturing: The new EMN AdvanceManu was approved by the EURAMET General Assembly on the 7th June 2021. The NanoFabNet Hub, represented by AcumenIST and LNE, is an official partner in the

Concepts of Sustainable Nanofabrication
The 10th edition of the NanoSafety Training School, held as a virtual event from the 21st to the 25th June 2021 kicked off with two key note lectures on the Monday afternoon: Georgios Katalagarianakis (former EU Commission) talked about “Let’s celebrate: Eleven years of the Venice Training School, sixteen years

‘Regulations & Risk Governance’ explained
The newly launched the NanoSafety Cluster Working Group G – Regulations & Risk Governance presented the past, current and planned future work conducted within its nine core projects. The WG-G core projects form and carry the WG’s planned objectives and activities (as introduced one week earlier, during the NSC Education Day,

New Working Group on ‘Regulations & Risk Governance’
At today’s Nanosafety Cluster Education Day, kindly hosted by the nanoSAFE 2020 Digital Conference, the NSC Working Group G – Regulations & Risk Governance commenced its work. Set up as a bridge between regulatory science and policy, the newly re-structured NSC WG-G introduced its planned objectives and activities to the

Technology Governance through (Re-)Insurance
‘[I]nsurance is the institution of governance beyond the state […]’ [R. V. Ericson, A. Doyle, and D. Barry ‘Insurance as Governance’, 2003] Based on an in-depth analysis conducted for the Gov4Nano Project, Dr Steffi Friedrichs delivered a seminar entitled ‘Nanotechnology & the Insurance Industry’ as part of the Environmental Health

Nanotechnology & the Insurance Industry – Waving, not Drowning
‘There are still open questions [surrounding nanotechnology], but that applies to many emerging risks from new technologies‘ reads one of the main conclusions of a report about ‘The Information Needs of the (Re-)Insurance Industry’ concerning the risks posed by nanotechnologies; the quote was one of the concluding remarks given by

Dual Use of Nanobiotechnology Delivery Technologies
‘Science-Fiction versus Science-Fact – Nanobiotechnology Applications for Delivery’ was the title of Dr Steffi Friedrichs’ presentation at the 2020 UNIDIR Innovation Dialogues – Life Sciences, International Security & Disarmament Conference, held online on the 20.-21. August 2020. Presentation by Dr Steffi Friedrichs at the 2020 UNIDIR Innovation Dialogues from Steffi

Human Germline Genome Editing
AcumenIST Steffi Friedrichs was one of eight international experts from the fields of biomedicine, law, and ethics at this year’s Marsilius Kolleg (Heidelberg University) Winter School Symposium on “Global Governance of Human Germline Genome Editing”.
![Development in biotechnology patent applications, 1990-2012 (number of IP5 patent families by inventor’s country and priority date; see also: NOTE and SOURCE below) [Source (adapted): Steffi Friedrichs, OECD STI Working Papers, 2018/06]](https://acumenist.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/20180327_Fig2-1-Development-in-biotechnology-patent-applications-1990-to-2012-300x196.jpg)
The Rise & Fall of Technologies
On the 8. October 2018, Dr Steffi Friedrichs, Founder & Director of AcumenIST, was the invited NanoEarth Industry Speaker at Virginia Tech.
In a presentation entitled “The ‘Rise and Fall’ of Technologies (on the Example of Biotech and Nanotech)”, Steffi highlighted the difference between the two technologies and outline the potential pitfalls (for both the public and the private sector) in reducing the expected trajectory of any technology’s development to a mere copy of a previous experience.
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