The newly launched the NanoSafety Cluster Working Group G – Regulations & Risk Governance presented the past, current and planned future work conducted within its nine core projects.
The WG-G core projects form and carry the WG’s planned objectives and activities (as introduced one week earlier, during the NSC Education Day, held on the 16th November 2020), centred on the use of scientific results to inform the review and/or development of policies and policy-harmonisation efforts, such as standards and (test) guidelines. Moreover, dedicated workshops, seminars and written summaries will transfer regulatory (information) needs back to the scientific community, in order to help develop targeted research roadmaps; if deemed appropriate, this group may also facilitate the scoping and setting of relevant research priorities for the EU and national research agendas.
Dr Steffi Friedrichs, Chair of WG-G, led through the session of the NanoSafety Cluster Training Day, during which the nine projects presented their complimentary work and answered questions from the audience.

To find out more, follow this link to the webpage of the NSC Working Group G – Regulations & Risk Governance.