The NanoFabNet published its ultimate roadmap to establish and secure the ongoing advancement and innovation in sustainable micro- and nanofabrication; the newly released report ‘EU 2030 Strategic Plan for Nanofabrication – a NanoFabNet Roadmap‘ highlights the findings of 10 detailed analyses and resulting strategies and action plans, conducted and provided by the NanoFabNet over the past two years.
The successive implementations of the steps outlined in this roadmap will ultimately help to provide a stronger European ecosystem for sustainable nanofabrication.
[EU 2030 Strategic Plan for Nanofabrication – a NanoFabNet Roadmap]
Defining pre-requisites and requirements for the establishment and long-term growth of sustainable high-tech, the NanoFabNet Roadmap anticipates their necessary implementation in three pre-defined time-ranges (i.e. (i) short term (2022-2025), (ii) medium-term (2025-2030) and long-term (2030 onwards)), and identifies the organisation that is best suited to take the respective responsibility. In doing so, the Roadmap assigns a number of important activities to the newly formed NanoFabNet Hub – a new network initiative for all matters and concerns pertaining to sustainable high-tech innovation and its successful incorporation into the complex, large-scale high-value industries by bringing together governmental and academic laboratories with large industries and SMEs.

The NanoFabNet Hub community space will provide a virtual collaboration space for experts of both the sustainability and the high-tech micro- and nanofabrication communities. Building on the NanoFabNet Hub’s detailed analyses of the topical overlap between the two communities, as well as the opportunities and challenges prevalent in that field of work, the NanoFabNet Hub will offer services and activities in the following areas:
- Raising Awareness of Sustainability,
- Compliance with Regulation & Legislation,
- Implementation of Sustainability Indicators,
- Support & Engagement for Sustainability Criteria,
- Coordinating support in Standardisation, Harmonisation & Validation,
- Development and Implementation of harmonising Taxonomies for Nanofabrication Tools & Processes,
- Activation – Engagement – Sustaining of a high visibility of sustainable Nanofabrication in general and the NanoFabNet Hub in particular, and
- Promotion and Support of EU-Project Collaborations and international Cooperations.
Follow these links to download the ‘EU 2030 Strategic Plan for Nanofabrication – a NanoFabNet Roadmap‘, or to find out more about the NanoFabNet and its newly launched NanoFabNet Hub.
Get involved in the NanoFabNet Hub today.