Dr Steffi Friedrichs represented the nanotechnology industries during a panel discussion at the 8th WIEF (World Islamic Economic Forum), which took place on the 4.-6. December 2012 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Under the title “The Business of Nanotech: Sizing up Opportunities”, the panel brought together four speakers representing nanotechnology business in different parts of the world: Prof. Saeed Sarkar (Secretary General, Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council), Dr Steffi Friedrichs (Director General, Nanotechnology Industries Association), Dr Hak Min Kim (Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Material Science (KIMS)), and Dr Lerwen Liu (Managing Director, NanoGlobe, Australia).
“This is a technology that is going to find its way into every industry sector, if it isn’t already there.”
[Steffi Friedrichs, 8th WIEF – Panel Discussion, 4.-6. December, Johor Bahru, Malasia]
8th WIEF Day 2 Session: The Business of Nanotech: Sizing up Opportunities, Dr Steffi Friedrichs
The panellists provided insights on multi-sectoral nanotechnology applications, discussed the best strategies to move nanotechnology from R&D to the marketplace, and to strengthen collaborations between laboratories and industries.
“We found that nanotechnology does not broaden the divide between large and small companies, or rich an poor countries. On the contrary!”
[Steffi Friedrichs, 8th WIEF – Panel Discussion, 4.-6. December, Johor Bahru, Malasia]
The panel also answered questions regarding the safety issues of nanotechnology, and provided an outlook on the human capital and talent developments in nanotechnology in different parts of the world.
Follow this link to watch the full nanotech panel.