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Genome Editing – Opportunities & Challenges

The OECD report entitled “Gene editing in an international context: Scientific, economic and social issues across sectors”, written by Anu Shukla-Jones, Steffi Friedrichs, and David E. Winickoff, captures the opinions expressed by invited experts and during the application-specific breakout groups at the international workshop of the same title, held on the 29.-30. September 2016 in Ottawa, Canada.

The meeting had been held by the OECD Working Party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies and hosted by the BNCT Delegation of Canada.

“At least in some of the areas of application, existing regulatory frameworks are under fresh scrutiny. Experts attending the BNCT workshop were concerned that existing approaches might be too restrictive.”

[Shukla-Jones, A., S. Friedrichs and D. Winickoff (2018), “Gene editing in an international context: Scientific, economic and social issues across sectors”, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2018/04, OECD Publishing, Paris.]

Gene editing techniques represent a major advance in the field of biotechnological research and application, promising significant benefits across the domains of human health, sustainability and the economy. There is broad agreement that gene editing techniques go beyond incremental advances of past biotechnologies. However, harnessing the potential of gene editing techniques will require meeting significant policy challenges in arenas of governance, ethics, and public engagement.

Follow this link to access the full report “Gene editing in an international context: Scientific, economic and social issues across sectors” on the OECDiLibrary.

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