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Global Perspectives in Convergence Education

On the 2. – 3. November 2017, The US National Science Foundation in collaboration with The University of California held a workshop on “Global Perspectives in Convergence Education”.

The intent of the workshop was to involve representatives from the many stakeholder communities from around the globe in discussions on convergence education as it is evolving in various locations around the world.

Dr Steffi Friedrichs pointed out that the concept of the ‘convergence of sciences and technologies’ was decidedly different from that of ‘interdisciplinary science and technology’: while the latter maintained the organisation of science and technology disciplines in silos and merely emphasised the requirement to increase the funding-, education- and research activities at the interfaces between the silos, the former was a phenomenon arising from the loss of the traditional boundaries of classical science and technology fields. It could be expected that convergence will lead to an “industry 4.0”, she added.

The full meeting report is now available for download.

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