Dr Steffi Friedrichs, Founder & Director of AcumenIST, moderated a panel discussion at this year’s EuroNanoForum, held 11th – 13th June in Lund, Sweden.
‘Advanced Materials are a cornerstone to mastering the green and digital transitions. They also play an essential role in reinforcing Europe‘s resilience and strategic autonomy. However, confronted with a fragmented landscape, Europe’s leadership in Advanced Materials innovation is under threat, calling industrial competitiveness in strategic markets into question.’
[Philippe Jacques, Coordinator of AMI2030 (EuroNanoForum 2023, 11.-13. June 2023, Lund, Sweden)]
Following an introduction of the new Advanced Materials Initiative 2030 (AMI2030) by Philippe Jacques, Coordinator of AMI2030, a panel of five additional experts from various organisations and initiatives concerend with materials research and innovation (R&I) discussed the ideas and planned provisions of the initiative under the topic of ‘Empowering Europe’s Green & Digital Future: AMI2030’s Strategic Materials Agenda paves the Way for inclusive and accelerated Advanced Materials Innovation’:
- Monique Groenewold, Chair of the OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials and Member of the Malta Initiative Board
- Peter Dröll, Director Prosperity, DG RTD, European Commission
- Jari Kinaret, Director of the Graphene Flagship
- Jaroslaw Piekarski, NCBR, National Contact Point for Poland for Horizon Europe Cluster 4
- Peter Rucinski, Senior Director, Dassault Systèmes Solidworks

The panel discussion focussed on the main challenges and expectations of AMI2030 to accelerate advanced materials innovation in Europe.
Jari Kinaret noted that ‘[d]isruptive innovation based on new materials requires collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries. A partnership bringing together key players from the industrial and academic communities in this field is the most efficient way to convert research results to prosperity in Europe.’
‘Regarding the digitalization of materials development,’ Peter Rucinski of Dassault Systems added, ‘we strongly believe that the virtual universes we make possible will be a key enabler for our customers – and the world – to imagine, design, and test the radically new products, materials, and manufacturing processes needed in tomorrow’s more sustainable economy.’
Monique Groenwold, Chair of the Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials and Member of the Malta Initiative Board, emphasied that ‘[s]tandardisation and harmonisation of validated test methods for safety and sustainability testing of materials is critical for societal and regulatory utilization of new materials. To ensure timely identification and development of test methods for AMI2030 products harmonisation and standardisation needs to be a coordinated and integral part of all product innovations in the AMI2030 initiative.’
The new European Advanced Materials Initiative 2023
Advanced Materials are both an important academic research field and a key industrial segment for Europe. The widespread use of these materials in virtually all other industries results in a special leverage effect – especially when it comes to new functionalities and the ability to support.
The Green Deal objectives, in particular circularity and material efficiency. With the Strategic Materials Agenda, a proposal from the AMI2030 initiative is on the table as to how and with what focus the topic of advanced materials innovation could be accelerated in Europe. The main challenges and expectations of the different stakeholders will be discussed from different perspectives (industry, academic research, regulators, policymakers).
‘Research made Europe strong in advanced materials. We need to take a big next step together for people, planet and prosperity, to reach zero pollution, circularity and traceability with the next generation of materials. Common objectives, the power of computing, good tools for collective intelligence and trusted fora for collaboration are the criteria for success.’
[Peter Dröll, Director Prosperity, DG RTD, European Commission (EuroNanoForum 2023, 11.-13. June 2023, Lund, Sweden)]
The full presentation and panel discussion can be viewed at this link: https://euro-nano-forum-2023.coeo.events/ (i.e. log in or create an account with the EuroNanoForum2023), go to the recording of Monday, 12th June, session ‘AMI2030’ (14:30 – 16:00) (at 6:49:09 of the day’s entire recordings).